Spinning Object

I followed several tutorials for how to rotate an object and at least IO can say they all work, however, way too fast and the controls to slow it down don’t seem to work

Here’s my blueprint

What it does is spins obscenely fast and no matter what I put for yawpersec it doesn’t alter the spin, even negative values

Try this. Make a float variable called AgregatedTime. For every tick, add the tick float to that value and overwrite the AgregatedTime variable with the resulting value. Then use that value to create a rotator to be used with the node SETACTORROTATION.

The names might be a bit different, but this should work.

I was messing around on my own and I think I came to the same solution,

Is this what you mean (with different variable names)

Yes, exactly that.

I don’t know why I was trying to follow tutorials on this when this approach was just logical. But thank you for the help

Remember to modulo the value as it might overflow. It will take a long while, but it is possible and it will cause weird behavior.