Should Hit Result, Hit Actor, Return Self?

Hi I am working using the On Hit Component Node. On Hit I use the Hit Result to check which actor was hit, using the Hit Actor node. Now to my knowledge this should be the actor which the component hit, but it is only returning itself as a reference.

Here I do the on hit component. The actors name is CH_EN_Base.

I then print the hit actor from the hit result.


And I get a reference to self. Am I doing something wrong or is this a bug? Should this result be the hit actor, or the actor which did the hit event?

This also happens if I just print directly from the hit event and it also happened to me in 4.15.

Hit parameters contain information about exact hit point. Who was hit, where, how and so on. No wonder you get self name from it.

You should get other actor pin if you want to know who dare to hit your player, as you did set as a target in a function before.