Need help with the physics of a thrown ball causing it to curve based on ball spin and forward momentum

I am extremely new to Unreal Engine, I don’t know much programming at all so i’m doing everything in blueprints (I’m also doing this in VR if that makes any difference). I am trying add physics to a ball. Right now I throw the ball and it rolls in a straight line, even if the ball is rotating in another direction (twisting my wrist before releasing the ball when throwing it). How would I cause the physics to take rotation into effect to cause the ball to curve instead of just traveling in a perfectly straight line? Would I use set angular velocity? I would really appreciate the help, I’ve been trying to figure it out for a few weeks now. Thanks in advance!

It depends. For the ball turn turn when it is in contact with the ground while spinning, that is down to friction. The friction models used in game physics engines aren’t perfect, but that normally works quite well - play with the physics material for the surfaces to adjust. If you mean making the ball curve when thrown through the “air”, that is normally down to something called the Magnus effect. That isn’t simulated by default with PhysX - you would have to calculate the effect and add the effects back to the physics object.