Textures being massively compressed on edges

This is a thing I stumbled upon more often than I’d like to admit, and I still do not have a single clue how to correct this.

So here’s a screenshot of the problem:

The entire object has a single, not really modified material, but I very often found these places (rather short polygons) to have Materials being extremely compressed on them, but my target is that the texture is just continued on from the outside to the inside or, at least, not that compressed.

Is there some sort of single value I can adjust to correct this or does the texture have to be perfectly fit onto the object for this to not happen?

Please excuse my bad english, I’m not a native speaker.

Thank you for every helpful advice in advance.

That’s not compression, this is simply a UV “Problem” The UVs on these Vertices are heavily repeated. You should correct them manually with your Modelling App.

Your Material looks like it uses Tiling and if your Polygon uses the whole Texture, it will of course be repeated, too.
You can probably ignore this.

Could you give me an example of how to do that? And explain in a little more detail how they are “heavily repeated”? Like, where do I see the repetition and how to correct it?