Dynamic Player Animations?

I’m currently working on an atmospheric puzzle-platformer (Think Limbo and INSIDE), and I’m attempting to have 3-4 animation states for the player: Idle, Walking/Running, Jumping, Pushing. The pushing state would occur when the character walks into a wall or pushes a physics object.This would change their walking animation so that their hands were out in front of them. This way, when pushing a physics object to complete a puzzle, it doesn’t look like the player is just running their face into it. However, I’m not exactly sure how I would go about doing this. I know the basics of Blendspaces and Animation Blueprints (I’ve watched the official tutorials on the UE4 YouTube channel), but I’m still not exactly sure on where to start. Any tutorials online? Any other way I’d be able to do it? Thanks in advance.

Additional Info: I’m using the Side-Scroller template that comes with UE4 (not the 2D one), however, I am using a custom model and animations that I’ve made in Blender.