Blueprint nativizing

If i set nativizing On in this class setting, the node set value as Object will not work. i think in C++, it cant convert actor to object but blueprint can, and there’s no warning about this one.

Hey Hiengs2702-

What do you mean by the node “will not work.” Can you provide additional information about how this blueprint is being used to help me test the behavior locally?

The BP class in the image above is the AI controller class. So, i want the AI enemy to follow player when they see player. I used On perception target update node, then i check if target Actor implement my player interface, if true, then it will check if simulate Success, if true, then i use node Set value as Object, and drag target Actor in the node On perception target update, to the Object value. It will work fine if i dont nativizing this class, but if i nativizing this class, then it will not work, the enemy AI will not find my player. I think because the node “Set value as Object”, the target is Object, but i drag actor in Perception update into it, so i think it will confuse the nativizing system.
Sorry for my bad English ^^.

I’m still not sure what you mean it’s not working. Is the editor crashing? Is the event not being called? If possible, can you provide steps to setup a project on my end or a sample project that shows the behavior you’re seeing?

No, the editor not crashing ^^ . When “not working”, i mean when i package my project and set nativizing ON in the AI controller class, the enemy not detect player anymore.

In the image, i can drag wire from actor pin to object pin, and no warning about this if i use nativizing, so when i package game, enemy will not chase or detect my player

Hey Hiengs2702,

I’ve tested this on my end, but I’m not seeing the same results. Could you please recreate the issue in a clean test project and provide me with the following:

  • A detailed list of repro steps
  • A link to the test project on Dropbox or Google Drive so I can have that for comparison as well.



I am marking this topic as resolved for tracking purposes, as we have not heard from you in a few days. If this issue persists, feel free to respond to this thread. For any new issues, please create a new Answerhub topic.

Have a great day