Do Math Expressions support non-float inputs?

I’m really enjoying the math nodes, and I would like to use them for vectors/rotators as well, but it is cumbersome to have to break a vector just to insert it into a math expression node.

Is it possible to specify the input of a math node to be a vector/rotator?

I second this question. Can we input/output Integers ?
Or have conversion to Float inside Math node ?

Works fine for me:

how did u change variable type ?
each time I type x*y, they both are Floats.

mine looks greyedout, with this message if i hover mouse over.

Select the node, then look at the ‘Inputs’ section on the Details panel on the left. You can change the pin types using the dropdown menus. You can see an example in the screenshot I posted.

Weird. Can you take a screenshot of your whole Blueprint window?

This works for me in 4.6.1, maybe it’s the version you are running tas?

Works fine in latest 4.7.5 Preview.

This doesn’t seem to be valid anymore, as best I can tell you can’t edit a Math Expression graph anymore. It is marked as Read Only.

In 4.20 it works.
There’s no need to open the graph, just change in the details panel.

Please tell me about the possibility of using the latest version.

Please tell me about the possibility of using the latest version.