Extremely large terrains


I am currently in the process of R&D for a project where I will need to create Multiplayer worlds which are roughly 100x100 KM in size. This is not specifically a mainstream gaming project, so let’s leave it at that :slight_smile:

I have noticed that maximum grid size the Unreal Grid shows up for is around 20x20 KM; I have myself successfully built and loaded a 16x16 KM terrain in UE4 using the World Composition option. Which begs the following questions:

  1. Is it possible to load up a 100x100 KM terrain in Unreal?
  2. If (1) is false, then what are the cons of building the whole world on a scale of 1:5, where 1UU = 5 RWUs (Real World Units)
  3. Assuming I have to build stuff on a scale of 1:5, what are the potential impacts I will feel when I start simulating physics on them?