USphereComponent is not visible in the components tab

class ASurfGameCharacter : public APawn
TSubobjectPtr SphereComp;
TSubobjectPtr SurfComponent;
TSubobjectPtr SurfMovementComponent;

  SphereComp = PCIP.CreateDefaultSubobject<USphereComponent>(this, TEXT("SphereComp"));
  SphereComp->CanBeCharacterBase = ECB_No;
  SphereComp->bShouldUpdatePhysicsVolume = true;
  SphereComp->bCheckAsyncSceneOnMove = false;
  RootComponent = SphereComp;
  SurfMovementComponent = PCIP.CreateDefaultSubobject<USurfMovementComponent>(this, TEXT("SURF"));
  SurfComponent = PCIP.CreateDefaultSubobject<USurfComponent>(this, TEXT("SurfComp"));

My SphereComponent is not visible in the components tab.

but is visible in the viewport as a red sphere. My other custom components are shown without any problems. Do you have any idea why this happens?

Have you tried declaring the SphereComp with the UPROPERTY(…) macro?
(See Unreal Engine UProperties | Unreal Engine Documentation)

Something like:

UPROPERTY(VisibleAnywhere, BlueprintReadOnly, Category=YourCategory)
TSubobjectPtr<class USphereComponent> SphereComp;

Yes I have, it made no difference.

It’s most likely a bug. I had to delete my blueprint and recreate my SurfCharacter. I only have this problem with USphereComponent and UCapsuleComponent. The other components seem to update properly.

Hi maikklein,

you are right, I tried it myself and found the same problem + solution here (you are not alone):
If you already have a Blueprint with parent == your class, new components are added only to the “Defaults”, not to “Components” tab (but can be edited). As as a workaround you can recreate the blueprint and everything is fine. It is a bug and I hope it will be fixed in 4.3 :slight_smile:

I filled a bug report: