Save Game with Multiple Variables

I have a save game object with multiple variables. Let’s say they are A, B, C and D.
Variables A and B are saved from a certain level and similarly, the other two variables are saved from another level. Whenever I save A and B, the values of C and D are wiped. Whenever I save C and D, the A and B variables are wiped.
What am I doing wrong?

It’s like this:

This same code is in two levels. Except each level saves two DIFFERENT sets of variables.

Impossible to tell without us taking a peek at all your code

You blueprinters are amazing genius. I only use c++ blueprint is far to advanced for me. Honestly can’t tell you.

When you call “Create Save Game Object” you create a new object with default values only. Then you set one parameter and save it to a slot – this overrides the existing save game, so you save mostly default parameters.

Instead of using “Create Save Game Object”, you can first check “Does Save Game Exist” and branch to “Load Game from Slot” (true) or “Create Save Game Object” (false) and set the result to SaveGameInstance.