Calculated bounds need to be local not world

So, I am trying to get the width, height of a mesh I spawn with a blueprint.
In the blueprint I have set a get bounds and print those on screen.
but as you can see these values are world space orientated, so they are correct as long as the object never rotates, which is not an option.

So how do I get the local width and height of my mesh without it being messed up after I rotate the object?

Here images that help show the issue

Thanks in advance. :slight_smile:

GOT IT! “Get local bounds” ahh, now I just need to move my object when spawning it in blueprint. Because it calculates from left to right and the pivot/origin is midway

Any way to change the pivot of an object within a blueprint.

Ok, I just changed it in the 3D model itself. Just as easy XD