How do I make a 3D widget component interact with an actor blueprint? [Final Year University Project -- DESPERATE FOR HELP please]


I have a LightBP actor (left) and a 3D widget actor (right):

I’m trying to make the 3D widget interact with the Light blueprint so that when I press the button on the 3D widget interface, the light changes colour.

To do this I have created a blueprint interface:

And implemented the light changing-colour blueprint logic in the Light blueprint:

Now – I want to call this light colour changing event. So using the blueprint interface, on the widget blueprint, I have created this:

But this implementation is not working :frowning: Nothing happens when I press the button.

How do I make it so that when I press a button on the 3D widget interface, I activate an event on another blueprint actor class?

This is part of my Final Year University Project that is due in very soon, any help would be immensely appreciated!!

Thank you for your time <3

Hey here’s a solution for you… (I guess you have figured out how to interact with the widget interaction component)

1) Start by taging the objects you like to be affected by your button in the Actor properties.

2) Set up the logic in your widget… Note! that the “Pointer key” emulation in your just fires Release and Press and not Clicks. So you need to use the released event for the button to actually make it work.

Pawn Setup…

Widget Setup

It worked!!!

Such a simple elegant solution, I followed other much more convoluted youtube tutorials and got nowhere!

Thank you so much for your time and beautiful blueprint screenshots, it was a very clear and useful answer <3

No probs! I hope get your project ready in time!