Overlapping 3 textures?

So I have 3 textures that when combined make a complete texture for a model. I can not get them to blend together so that they apply correctly to the model as a material. I was wondering if there is some kind of way in ue4 to get these textures to overlap with each other inside of a material?

You want to use 1 material on mesh but with 3 textures?
It is possible to blend them with Lerp function and masks.

Also you can check how to make layered materials

Thanks for the reply! Sorry it took me forever, but I got caught up in life and forgot about this part of the project for a while. I tried using a lerp a while ago, but I could not figure out how to do it with 3 textures. I was only able to use 2 textures. I am not very well versed in using lerps.