Strange Behavior with Anim Montage

I have setup an Anim Blend & Montages with the Starter-Kit (3rd Person example) and the Animation Starter Kit. The legs are driven by the 3rd Person Example animations (Locomotion) and the upper boddy is driven by the Animation Starter Kit Animations. (Aim Offset and shooting), which works fine until I add a death animation montage.

The death animation presses the mesh into the ground for a couple of frames, as you can see in the “slow motion” GIF right here:


My Anim Graph looks like this: (FullBody Slot is the Death Animation and the UpperBody Slot is the Shooting Animation which works fine.)

Do I have to change some settings in the death animations itself? Like root motion or additive settings? Or what could possibly be the problem here?

It seems that the animation driving the legs (Third Person Template) is not that compatible with the animations from the AnimStarterKit. I guess I then have to add a completely new pose (the death animation itself) and blend that with a bool. Have not testet this yet but could be an option.

I had an identical problem. I solved it by setting the blend in and blend out to 0 inside the anim montage.