How to play a video in SDCard or other storage in Android

I have tried days to play a Video that been put in SDCard or somewhere user can access by the File Browser. I made a UMG with a TextBox and Button. When the button is clicked, I use “Open File” node to play the video that the path is from TextBox. But it always return False. No matter what Path I give.

I look into LogCat There is an log “Failed to set data source for file /…/DCIM/Camera/test.mp4”. I flow the code and find in file “AndroidMediaPlayer.cpp” line 312.

if (!JavaMediaPlayer->SetDataSource(FileRootPath, FileOffset, FileSize))
				UE_LOG(LogAndroidMedia, Warning, TEXT("Failed to set data source for file %s"), *FilePath);
				return false;

And I find it call a Java Function in file “” named “setDataSource” and got a false.

	public boolean setDataSource(
		String moviePath, long offset, long size)
		throws IOException,

			File f = new File(moviePath);
			if (!f.exists() || !f.isFile()) 
				return false;
			RandomAccessFile data = new RandomAccessFile(f, "r");
			setDataSource(data.getFD(), offset, size);

			if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 16)
				MediaExtractor extractor = new MediaExtractor();
				if (extractor != null)
					extractor.setDataSource(data.getFD(), offset, size);
					extractor = null;
		catch(IOException e)
			GameActivity.Log.debug("setDataSource (file): Exception = " + e);
			return false;
		return true;

It seems that only to place to return a False. One is line 205.

			if (!f.exists() || !f.isFile()) 
				return false;


		catch(IOException e)
			GameActivity.Log.debug("setDataSource (file): Exception = " + e);
			return false;

By the Logcat I am sure is some thing wrong with “!f.exists() || !f.isFile()”. But I tried to use LE File Manager plugin to see this folrd. I can see the file right here and it dose exists. I really don’t know where I did wrong. T_T

All I want to do is a media player that can find and play videos in the storage. It seams that my game can only play videos in “Movies” folder.