How do i make 2d blendspace work

Hey everyone, I’ve been trying to get a locomotion 2d blendspace working, but the instructions don’t seem to be translating between 1d and 2d. The problem I’m having, is lets say I’ve got my x axis set as “Direction” with values of -180 to 180, and the y axis set as “Speed”, with a value of 0 to 375. If i set my idle animation in the middle center, at (0,0), and then a walk animation at some other point along the y-axis (0,x) there’s no connecting line, that blends the two together. anyone have an idea where I’m going wring?

Ok, so I didn’t realize, and never saw it documented, that for a 2d blendspace to work, you actually need 3 points on your table to make it work, just having 2 isn’t sufficient.

Now my struggle is translating an x and y coord into a single world direction

I’m not really sure what you mean here. If the X is direction and the Y is speed, are you having a hard time determining what the direction value should be?

Also, don’t sleep on the content examples that are available (third person template, shooter game, animation demolet, etc). There should be several instances of blendspaces/locomotion setups that you could reference.

Good luck with your project!

I’m not sure what i was missing either… everything’s a fog at this point lol.

Haha. Alright. Just gonna mark this fixed then. Yell if you have any more issues.