Input triggers multiple events problem

Hello Community,

I set simple functionality where i can play my matinee via button press when i overlap their triggers.Lets say i have 15 different door and i want to open them when i interact with each other( they have all different meshes,triggger,matinee animations, etc) I use this node setup inside level bp for every each one of them. The problem is that if i have 15 of these exact same nodes just with different trigger boxes and matinee refferences sometimes when i trigger for example matineeX with triggerX also randomly trigger someone of these 15 events, for example matineeY with triggerY or matineeZ with trigger Z.Its really annoyng because i tried to restrict these triggers by tag refference and i still play 2 or more of these matinees.

So my question is how i can separate them from each other so when i interact with door 1 to not trigger door 2 or door3 animations? Also is there a way to execute the input node only in specific trigger? As i said if i have 15 doors i will have 15 of these input nodes and everytime i press it it execute all of them.

Have a nice day !

After some digging and testing with print string i found that when i leave the trigger box i fires first OnActorEndOverlap and then OnActorBeginOverlap, so i left the trigger box with OnBeginOverlap node executed and if i press the interaction button it fires the rest of the flow, its pretty annoyng. Do i do something wrong? Does my node flow is somehow wrong so that happens?