Shotgun burst help?

Hi, I have a shotgun set up which currently fires only one bullet per shot from a socket. But I want it to fire a burst of bullets when I shoot. Problem is when I use a loop to make the burst, they collide with each other and get destroyed. How do I make them ignore projectiles from collision?

I have already done that. I have channel named projectile. I have set the projectile object type to projectile, collision preset custom, and i have set projectile channel collision to ignore. Still they blow up when i fire the burst (i have an explosion particle set to activate when they hit something). Also, i have them spawning from a socket(single point) not volume fixed to the socket.

How do I make them ignore projectiles from collision?

by setting it in collision settings.

First of all you need to create collision channel “Projectile” in project settings. Then change collision for your projectile object to custom and set projectile channel to ignore.

All other objects must have it set to block.

So single shot works fine, but few projectiles collides with each other?

It’s strange. Maybe they collide with shotgun mesh?

Sorry, I was out of town. If they were colliding with the shotgun mesh, shouldn’t they collide when i fire a single projectile?

When you spawn the projectiles what value is set for “Collision Handling Override”?