Parenting Static Mesh to HMD - Offset Issue Help


i am trying to make a turret that follows along with the HMD, like Gun Jack. My problem is that the turret is being offset when I run VR Preview. The left turret sticks out farther into the scene than the right.


I am parenting a low poly ‘turret’ static mesh to the HMD via the camera component in the pawn.
I have the static mesh component under the camera compnent in the Compenents Hierachy Tree. Is this a legit way to parent to the HMD? I watched it in a tutorial. Notice how i have the turret completely centered behind the camera.

I am using the pawn in the Motion Controller map as my base to start from. I am testing via a Vive. I also tried getting the HMDs rotation and making static mesh match that, but i had the same outcome. Its like me targeting the camera component is causing the offset. This doesn’t happen if i take the turret pawn and run it as an FPS.
Confused, plz help, thnx.

With the help of a friend i now know what what the issue was. She pointed me to this post: VR Mirror Window turned Black - XR Development - Epic Developer Community Forums

I had this setting in my engine.ini file:


which set the HMD to run like it was looking out of one eye. This is my first VR project so i had no idea that this was the issue. The way i had it setup was fine. Switching it to:


solved my issue. Hopes this helps someone in the future who is new to VR development. Buried settings like this are a gotcha in all game engines. I figured it was something like this that would take me a while to find. Now my preview window and HMD looks like this: