How to hide blueprints in editor

Hi guys,

I am using the particle effects from the starter content (such as fire / sparks …).
I’ve added the blueprints (e.g. Blueprint_Effect_Fire) on several positions in my scene and set it to active/inactive through the level blueprint node when a (UMG) button is pressed. However, I would like to hide these blueprints in my editor (since I don’t want fire / sparks to be running constantly while editing). If I use the eye (hide) icon, they reappear everytime I launch my project again. How can I hide them (or at least stop them from running)? I do not find a render - visible setting similar to static mesh actors. Probably a noob question; sorry for that.

Thanks for you assistance.


If you want to hide all particle effects, just use the show menu and deselect particles sprite (viewport top-left), or if you don’t want to hide all of the effects, move the effects you want to hide into a folder and hiding the folder wil hide all of its content.

Great! Deselecting particles solved the problem. Thanks.