Using a vector as an index?

No idea if this is possible, but is there a blueprint function for using a preset array as a standin for an index? I’m coming from a Python/Matlab background where for instance:

    A=[2 10 3 5 7]; B=[1 3 5];
    ans=[2 3 7]

At the moment I can only see a single element integer input for the “Set Array Element” node. Obviously a For loop for each element would work, but this is really inefficient and takes up too much CPU time. Likewise I am aware that this can be done in raw C++, but it would be nice if there were a blueprint solution.

Im affraid there is no such Functionality Built in. If you feel adventurues you can do something like that:

Or you can use Macros with Wildcards in Blueprints. Here something I made Quickly to showcase in case you just need the Functionality:

Example Usage:

For Examples you may also want to look at:



Thanks, this looks like it will work. It is unfortunate that the more complex indexing isn’t built-in, but your method should reduce computational time enough for what I’m doing.