How to remove the black border for the render out video from Sequencer

No mater what settings I have adjusted, the exported video always comes with that black border.

Any suggestions?


What kind of black borders are you seeing? Can you attach a screenshot? Are they the black borders at the very top and bottom of each frame? If so, that might be the burn in - you can disable this in the render movie settings under Burn in Options in the Capture Settings section.

Hi Max,

Thank you for the answer. The black border is exactly at the top and bottom. While, the burn in option has not been ticked when I am trying to capture the video.

Ah, I think you’re talking about something different than the burnin then. It would help to see a screenshot of the rendered image. It’s also possible that the camera aspect ratio doesn’t match the render movie settings aspect ratio. Take a look at those values.

Hi Max,
Please have a look at the screenshot as attached photo. Thank you.

I’m guessing your camera aspect ratio and render movie settings resolution/aspect ratio are different. Take a look at those numbers - you might have to set a custom resolution on the render movie settings dialog.

Hi Max,
I got the point. My previous setting is 100:50 which is 2:1 while it seems that the only way to have the full screen render out movie is change the width and height to satisfy with 16:9. I have adjusted my Height to 56.25, then I got the video without black bar. Thank you so much for your help Max.