How do you save a programmaticly created texture to a file

I programticaly generate a texture and use in in a Dynamic material.

The problem is I would like to test my materials using these programtically generated textures

At runtime I can open the dynamic material and see the texture_parameters that I set, I can open each individual one in the Unreal image editor. However I cannot figure out how to save them to disk for testing or inspection. How can I save textures from a dynamic material Instance, OR how can I save programtically generated textures?

I believe you can use render targets to do this. Here’s a how-to in the UE4 docs that walk you through how to do it:

Basically, you create a render target, create a material (which you already have) and make a BP to bake that material to the render target and output to texture.

I already generated the texture in memory, I want to save it to disk somehow.

Yes, that’s what the linked tutorial shows how to do. It basically renders the material and saves the result to a 2D texture asset that will show up in the content browser when all is said and done.

In the end you should have something like this (where the _Tex file is a texture asset that you can use or export):

Ok this is definitely the right path, but when I click “Create Static Texture” nothing happens…

I ended up using the BluePrint Function ExportRenderTarget to explicitly write the rendertarget to a file. It writes it in .hdr format

hdr is THE format no package can display, how do I change the target to use png format IN BLUEPRINT ?

For those, who are still looking for the solution on exporting any image from the UE4, i managed to export downloaded image(using DownloadImage node) to the .png file by this code

Note: RenderTarget format is super important!