Which lowest mac setting for packaging and deploying on apple store?


i want make a handy game for android and ios. So i have to buy a mac pc to packaging and deploying on apple store.

I know from ue4-documentation it is required at least 2.5 ghz quad core and , open gl 4.1 or so and os 10.xx or so.

But what means this settings ? i think that this are minimum development settings on Mac IOS. But i dotn want develop on Mac.

And now my question is, can i achieve packaging and deploying with a lower setting of a mac ios ?

My idea is, that i do the normal handy programming on my normal pc with ue4 and when i need it on ios i use the
low mac just to packaging and deploying on apple store.

Here a little bit more in detail what i want do if possible :

I want just buy a second hand mac lets say duo core 2.5 - 3.0 ghz because they are very cheap.

Then i program my handy game with ue4 on my normal pc which got enough power even its over 7 years old lol.

After that i transfere this finished handy game then on my mac just for packaging, deploying and adding to apple store.

So my point is, i dont want use the mac for developing or anything like that. Only for packagin, deploying and adding on apple store that i cna use it with my iphone later.

PS:If anyone say i just should buy the minimum mac requirements, that i will not do. Because mac looks perhaps
very good but on prize / performance questions its one of the worst pc ever. My actual working pc is over 7 years old its a i7 3770 quad 3.4 ghz with 16 gb ram and ue4 works easy with that. Even my graphic card is not the best
but all works fine for development. And if you buy this pc on second hand today its not even 200 euro worth.

And if we compare now mac lets say that it should have at least the same power like my 7 years old pc then the
crap mac is still as second hand over 700 euro worth.

Sorry when i talk so much crap about mac. But i see that mac prize / performance compared to intel pc prize / performance got already a 5 years gap or more.