Cannot grasp animation logic

I have a running animation and have figured out how to Layer blend per bone so that when I have a weapon, i will hold it up, but my question is how do I add even more animations such as shooting and aiming? i cannot seem to figure this out and I have been pulling my hair out for hours trying to understand. I have watched Unreal’s tutorial on the punching montage but it doesn’t really apply to me as I need to add even more animations. Thanks!,

Thats a broad Question to give you one Answer that suites all cases. As far as Documentation goes its covered pretty Well and there should be a couple Animations streams out there.

Thank you for your response! I’ve been fiddling around a bit since I posted this and I now have my character holding a pistol and when I click the LMB, I play a montage to shoot it. But after I shoot, he returns back to his idle pose, without holding the pistol. Any idea?

No Clue I don´t know your Setup. Did you detach the Weapon or the thing (Bone/Socket) your weapons is attached to not at the right Place in the Idle Animation. Thats a thing only you can know ^^ things like that dont disapear like Magic unless you tell them. Look around your Level its Probably there somewhere just in the Wrong location most likely.