Cast from Blueprint to Hud - Works in Editor but not Packaged

Hey all,
I am relatively new to Blueprint Scripting so I have the small feeling that my answer may be obvious - but nevertheless here is the situation.

My game involves the bullet spread of a gun constantly increasing and decreasing, so in order to show this I have a crosshair that grows and shrinks at the same rate that the bullet spread increases and decreases. This is done on Event Tick (for now). The final event being called on Event Tick is something called “Update XHairSize” which is a simple cast to the HUD. It takes the current value of “Crosshair Size” (In the Character BP) and sets it’s value as a variable (In the HUD BP) called “XHair Size”. XHair Size then feeds into the Draw Texture’s ScreenW and ScreenH. (I’m using the FirstPersonTemplate so everything to draw a crosshair is present there. I’ll attach pictures so you can see what I mean if my explanation is poor).

(Part of) Character BP:


The problem is, it works perfectly in the editor but when I tested it on Standalone mode the crosshair didn’t even get drawn. I then packaged it just to see if the problem would still occur, despite my feelings that it would (which it did).
I have been trying to wrap my head around this problem for a while now, but no solution I have tried has worked.

Thank you in advance.

Hmm are you sure its your Cast? Your World Settings maybe messed up and you use the Default Hud instead? You can print out the Display Name to be sure. Other possibility would be that your Texture did not Package but that would result in a crash most likely.

I put a print in between Event Draw Hud and Draw Texture in order to check that the correct hud was being used, and the text from the print appeared both in editor and standalone/packaged.

I also put a print on Cast Failed and nothing appeared either time, so the cast seems to be working but nothing is appearing.