Spline Collision Ignores Static Mesh Collision Presets and Always Defaults to Block All


There is a bug / unexpected behaviour happening with splines. They do not follow the static mesh’s collision pre-sets and defaults to Block All.

This bug also affects trace channels and tracing behaviour. But for proof of concept the reproductions steps use NoCollision preset.

Reproduction Steps

  1. In a blank project, select a cube and change the collision pre-set to No Collision
  2. Place a cube in the map and make a spine on a landscape as well using the same cube. Enable collision in the spline segment menu
  3. You will notice that you can walk through the placed cube but the collision is turned back on, on the spline cubes


This was discovered when trying to do a line trace through a fence with visible trace off. Placed in the world, it works as expected, placed with a spline it blocks all and blocks trace.

Having the same issue. I added spline static mesh collision (which works fine when the mesh is placed in the map). However, when used as a spline the collision IS visibly correct but never blocks/ overlaps any object channels.

Were you ever able to find a solution? (UE4.20)