Using Oculus OnlineSubsystem on GearVR

Hello Guys,

I have issue when initial the Oculus Online Subsystem for GearVR, here is my log

LogOnline:Error: Oculus: Failed to initialize the Oculus Platform SDK! Error code: -1
LogOnline:Warning: Oculus: Oculus API failed to initialize!
LogOnline:Warning: Oculus: Oculus platform service not available. Skipping entitlement check.
LogBlueprintUserMessages: [BP_GearVRHud_C_0] Login Oculus Failed

I try to follow what I found online to setup the Oculus Online System according to [here][1]

  1. Add the into the project


  1. Enable the plugin in the editor

  1. Enable the online subsystem in DefaultEngine.ini


  1. I am using this blueprint to check the Oculus ID according to [here][5]

Am I missing something?

After doing more investigation, it seems that -1 error code mean


but I am not so sure how to fix it.