Widget Interaction Component with Mouse

Using the Widget Interaction Component when set to Mouse does not work. I cannot even get the red debug line to show up. I have the the Component on a pawn I have attached it to different components on the pawn. It does not matter. The pawn is just for a camera, the controls for this pawn are kind of an RTS style. I cant find anything on this. Has anyone gotten the Widget Interaction Component to work simply from the mouse position?

Just to clarify, you want the widget to appear on wherever the mouse is (kind of a custom pointer)?

Thank you for responding. I should have added more detail. I want to use the Widget Interaction Component to press buttons on 3d widgets that are through the level. I just want to use the mouse to click the buttons on the 3d widgets. The 3d widgets work correctly and display information. It seems like you have to use this Widget Interaction Component which is fine, but really I just want to get the mouse to click buttons on a 3d widget.

Thanks for the replay! Yes, this is how it should work, but it does not for me. The buttons do not receive any input. The interaction component never sees that it is over a button or any widget. Nothing fires, no “is over” or “is hovered”. I also cant see the red dot from the debug in your graphic. I am not using a first person character, I’m using a pawn thats just a sphere (not visible), a spring arm, and a camera. I’m sure thats the problem, but I can see how to fix it.

Thats a good thought. I tried 5000 50000 500000. Even thought the spring arm is like 5K. It does not matter. The Widget Interaction Component just does not work unless you are making an FPS apparently ;p

Nothing Changed asside from setting to Mouse. (dont mind the show Mouse its because I use FPS Character in that case)

To far away :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: ? Bump the number up.

Ok than the only thing I can think of now that you block the Visibility Channel with Something. Can be any Box/Sphere/Capsule/etc Collision. If any of your things in the Scene Overlapping your Widget than the red dot won´t even apear :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: Have you tried to simply move the Widget Closer to the Camera just to test out? or in a empty Level.

There is nothing blocking the hit. You can get so close the 3d widget ends up to the side of the viewport. Honestly, I just don’t think it does a ray trace or if it does its not originating at the mouse point in the viewport.

Might seem a dumb question, but…do you enable the mouse cursor (if it isn’t all the time already)? If yes, it might be that the widget isn’t getting focus to get input. In that case you might need to set Input Mode Game and Ui

Thanks for the idea. I have been using that node Set Input mode Game and UI but I would do it at begin play when setting up the 3d widget. I did not think it had anything to do with focus. I didn’t think I had to dynamically set focus on a 3d widget. Do I have to do something with focus?

Ok so the answer was the 3d widget was in screen space not world space. I gather the widget interaction component will never work with a 3d widget in screen space. Maybe I’m wrong? My larger question now is just how do you interact with a 3d widget in screen space not world space? It does not seem possible. What am I missing?

Why did you not tell sooner :smiley: they work like regular Widgets. You interact with them via mouse cursor. Make sure there are no Fullscreen widget that are set to visible the will block any trace to the Screenspace Widget. Also you might want to Call “Set Input Mode Game and UI” aswell as show cursor (from Controller refference)

Like that :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Yeah that was it an other non-3d widgets were blocking the screen space widget. It seems pretty obvious in retrospect, but every set up demo for 3d widgets uses world space and the interaction component and why would non 3d widgets block 3d widgets. So frustrating. Anyway, thanks for your help.

Well because Screenspace is not 3d Worldspace =)

If you set it to screenspace you cant make it a Cylinder shape for example ^^ it has not Geometry. Its just Math that Calculates where it should end up un screen.