Multiplayer - Jumpy Movement Replication on Client

Hi, I’m trying to wrap my head around a strange issue with multiplayer movement replication that only happens on client side.

Everything is fine until the player character picks up a weapon (which attaches to a socket near the waist) and all hell breaks loose with choppy jumping movements, as if the player’s location is constantly being overridden.

Movement is properly being replicated to all clients (along with certain variables like IsSprinting, IsDodging, IsCrouching etc). UseControllerRotation is checked, OrientRotationToMovement is unchecked.

  • With listen server, the server sees
    no jittering, but the client does.

  • With dedicated server (which is my
    final goal), both clients see the
    jittering movements

Here is an example gif of the behaviour:

Any help would be appreciated, I can provide additional screenshots if necessary

Have you tried disabling the collision for the weapon when you pick it up? Perhaps the movement is jittering because your character collides with your sword.

Yes, after the weapon is spawned and attached to the socket, its collision is turned off.

Nevermind, changing the collision presets to IgnoreOnlyPawn seemed to be the way to go. No more jittering now!