TakeAutomationScreenshot doesn't work+

I’m trying to setup a system to allow me to take screenshots from within the game (at runtime), using a specified camera (not necessarily the “player” camera).

It looks like the TakeAutomationScreenshot can do what I want, but I haven’t been able to find ANY useful documentation on that node.

In any case, I hooked it up to some controls and it appears to work. When executed it outputs to the log a filepath where it says it saved the screenshot. But the neither the file nor the directory exist. (If I create the directory manually, the file still won’t be written properly.) NO errors are outputted.

Am I missing something? Am I using this wrong? Is there another way to do what I want? Does any useful documentation exist for this node?

This problem has solution?

I didn’t find any detailed documentation about these nodes but as far as I know Take Automation Screenshot nodes are designed to be used for automated tests only.

I played around with these nodes and sometimes I received such error:

AutomationFunctionLibrary: Screenshot not captured - screenshots are only taken during automation tests

If anyone wants to take a screenshot from current player’s view, Execute Console Command node can be used with highresshot 1 command.

If you want to take a screenshot from different camera then you can change your current view to it, take a screenshot and go back to the default player’s camera. However it’s hard to tell in which situations you want to take such screenshot, you probably do not want to change player’s view in the middle of fight for example.