How (and when in lifecycle) do I get a texture from a static mesh?

I am trying to obtain a reference to the texture of a material which has been applied to a static mesh in the editor.

  1. I created a subclass of AActor and dragged an instance into the editor.
  2. I attached a static mesh component (shape) to my actor in the editor.
  3. I added a new UMediaTexture to my content browser, created a material from this texture, then applied the material to my static mesh

Here’s what I tried:

  1. Override PostInitializeComponents
  2. Get all components (which should only be my mesh, right?)
  3. Get the material at index 0 for the first component
  4. Get the texture of the material

To add a bit more context, I’m trying to get the texture (which is a UMediaTexture) and set it on a UMediaPlayer, then play a streaming video. This doesn’t seem to be working. Am I going about this the correct way? Any advice at all would be greatly appreciated.