Is it possible to output dynamic sections of the viewing area out to a 2D static template?

Firstly please accept my apologies for the incredibly vague question. The concept I am about to explain is complex on many levels and therefore is difficult to easily summarize…

I shall (attempt) to explain my concept with an example, as i think it is easier to understand the problem if I use an example for reference.

I am asking whether it is possible within UE4 to have a reference object… Lets say a cube. Which is stationary. This cube is invisible and is only used as a reference point. Looking at the cube is a camera which has a fixed distance to the cube. The only controllable aspect is the orientation of the camera relative to the cube. (So imagine we can orbit around this cube 360 degrees but we cannot move the camera closer or further, left or right.) The camera is continuously looking toward the cube.

Would it be possible for a user to import a pre-built animated object (.obj, .fbx etc etc…) in this example let’s assume this object is a rubix cube animation that spins and rotates just like a rubix cube, this rubix cube object is exactly the same size as the reference cube and in the same position.

I need to find a way to output this rubix cube as a live “output” feed to what is essentially a flat UVW template but dynamically. and from the cameras perspective. By this I mean: I need to “corner pin” each face of the reference cube,and pin these faces to a static UVW template. (Technically speaking only 3 faces would be visible to the camera at any one time.) all being updated live, so if the camera orbits, the perspective changes, but the end result is still a static UVW map just the image within the faces looks distorted relative to the cameras position.

The end result being: An outputted image which can be “syphoned” or utilized by 3rd party software. Meanwhile the user can jump into UE4 and adjust the cameras angle to the rubix cube therefore updating the resulting UVW map feed.

In summary a live 2D texture based off of a 3D object within a controllable scene.

Any advice / potential pathways are greatly appreciated! Thanks!