Blueprint Runtime Error (Animation BP)

Hello All!

I am having this error in my Animation blueprint and cannot find the solution. I have no used Anim BPs in quite a while so I may have forgotten.

Error Blueprint Runtime Error: Accessed None trying to read property K2Node_DynamicCast_AsIn_Game_Char from function: ‘ExecuteUbergraph_Blue_AnimBP’ from node: Set bCrouched in graph: EventGraph in object: Blue_AnimBP with description: Accessed None trying to read property K2Node_DynamicCast_AsIn_Game_Char

Here is a screenshot of the Anim Event Graph:

I am trying to find a fix to prevent the spamming of my logs. The Animation works perfectly fine though,

Thanks for any help!

Maybe you are requesting InGame_Char while is currently not spawned in your level, so it is None when you try to set is Crouched variable.

Try to right-click on your “Cast to InGame_Char” and select “Convert to Impure Cast” and call the Set node from its Exec.

It worked, thanks!