Packaged Shipping Game has stopped working

I’m having a problem with my packaged game. The configuration is shipping so no logs are created. When I package the game on development mode the game doesn’t crash. I’m using 4.15.3 but this has been happening with 4.15.2. I am using blueprints not c++.

I am also using the VaREST plugin for this project. This is the Unreal Marketplace version.

The crash is when I load the second level in and the game doesn’t crash on start. No UE4 crashdump exe shows up just the windows dialogue saying UE4Game has stopped working.

When I debug the program visual studio says this message Exception thrown at 0x00007FFA8BD6F7DB (ntdll.dll) in EconomyGame-Win64-Shipping.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation writing location 0x0000000000000024.

This does not show up when my friend tests the build. He can run the game fine without any crashes or exceptions.

Any ideas?

Dxdiag is attached if needed: attached dxdiag