Error after updating to 4.16

Hello guys,

Yesterday I updated to 4.16. My project is relatively small, so I didn’t have a lot of issues. There is something strange. My solution is building without problem, my game is running, but I get some weird error in the visual studio output log despite that. Here it is:

E0020 identifier “FDrawingPolicyRenderState” is undefined

\UE_4.16\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Public\SceneManagement.h 1560

Anyone else receiving this? How to fix it?

I was having this problem as well, upgrading to Visual Studio 2017 and reinstalling the Windows 8.1 SDK seemed to fix it.

Good luck!

@Nurbs, how did you go about reinstalling the windows 8.1 sdk?

Go to “MyProject.h” and change #include "Engine.h" to #include "Core.h"

Yeah, I forgot about this question of mine. It took me a while to figure it out. Turns out that the includes are different in the 4.16.

Check the selected answer, it solves the issue.

Turns out the includes are different for the new version of the unreal build tool. With some tweaking of the you can make it work for the old build tool.