FPS drop after migrate project 4.14.3->4.16

I’m almost sure that is because of grass. When I switch it off everything seems to be good. Grass became also darker like on screenshot below. Any idea how to fix this? Now I can’t even work. I will be grateful for any help.

I’m having the same issue after going 4.14.3 to 4.15.3

Have you found any solution?
I found that people was reported similar issues after moving from 3.14 version for higher one. I’m not 100% sure but it might be the same problem.
Answerhub thread:

Bug reported:

I’ve been at it for 24 hours now. When I converted from 4.14.3 to 4.15.3 all LODs forgot values, and got a lot of map check errors. I’ve since fixed over 380 map check errors set all foliage mats to dithered cause they weren’t culling otherwise and a whole lot of other things and still frame rate hits 8fps looking at some parts of my level.

I’m getting the same issue and I’m still stuck in 4.14 because of that. Content migration will break Screen Size values but fixing them by hand won’t solve the problem (activate LOD coloration → Mesh LODs and compare the same scene in 4.14 and 4.15/16 and you’ll see).

After 4.15 Screen Size values influences LOD transition in different ways if you place the same asset as a StaticMeshActor or as part of a foliage cluster or a Grass Type (this doesn’t make sense to me). Most of my scenes have tons of foliage scattered all over the place with different techniques combined. Now it’s just impossible to proper tweak the LOD in my scenes in order to get the same performance I was getting in 4.14.

edit: and it looks like grass culling distance are messed up too. Or at least not working consistently as it used to. (same distances have different results in 4.14 and 4.15/16

I have to same issue too, after upgrading my project from 4.14 to 4.16. Are you guys found any solution?

Still no solution here… I’ve asked a more specific question detailing the strange LOD behavior two weeks ago on Rendering session but got no answer. So I’m considering this a bug and just posted it as a bug report here: https://answers.unrealengine.com/questions/658509/inconsistent-lod-behavior-on-foliage-and-grass.html

I hope I can get any answer…

Have you guys found any solution yet? I still have no answer on my bug report related to that issue… Still using 4.14 here…

Yes, I’ve checked 4.16.2 and 4.17 preview 2. The issue persists on both…

No, I just still using 4.14 version.

Same here - still 4.14.3 But there is some update of 4.16 version. Did you check it? Because I don’t know if it’s worth to install 4.16 again.