Bug in 4.15 does not show texture 2D in class defaults

As the title says - when using classd efaults in my project (4.15) it does not show the image(texture 2D) node

Maybe it not editable?

A simple workaround for this can be like this.

Make an enumerator for the list of your textures (In My Example case they are Weapon icons)

Add a variable to your CLASS that is your Enumerator type:

STEP 3 : Make a Function Library with a function (For example: Convert Texture)
Since Textures are not displayed in the Class Defaults you can use your Enumerator variable to sort your textures.
Add the Enumerator type INPUT and the Texture or Texture 2D type OUTPUT as shown below and use the SELECT node to associate the texture with the Enumerator value.

REMEMBER to make the function “PURE” in the Function node properties.

FINAL STEP: Call your function to get the texture out of your list from that function.

I hope this helps…

Miljan Bojovic

I know this is an old thread, but I stumbled over this issue today and found the solution provided quite overkill so I tried out something simpler:

Just wrap the texture in a struct (like “TextureWrapper”). That way it becomes a value variable, you can set it in and read it from the class defaults and all you have to do additionally would be splitting the struct so you can read the texture from it.

My use case is an ItemBase Actor my Items are derived from, and when I add it to my inventory, I want to display a thumbnail that is referenced in the class defaults. Works perfectly fine for me.