sqlite3 PCH Error when including .c files

Im using Sqlite3 Plugin in a Project to be more precise, its the GitHub - cindustries/unreal-sqlite3: Unreal SQLite3 Plugin with SQLite3 source included to avoid ThirdParty integration or precompile fork which includes sqlite without third party integration. I tried installing the Plugin on a 4.16 Source build which compiled without the plugin just fine. With the Plugin however i do get Error C1853. I tried various things including to build the version of Sqlite3 which uses sqlite as third party, which still works in 4.16. However i used the Cindustries in my Project and wont be able to open the Blueprints with the other Version of this plugin ( atleast i think thats the case). How do i get 4.16 to compile with cindustries plugin? I updated the Buildfiles Targetinfo rules to the new “ReadOnlyTargetRules” and dont have any other errors besides C1853.

https://github.com/EpicGames/UnrealEngine/pull/3621 worked for me incase someone else runs into this

Hope this plugin can help you.

HiSQLite3( SQLite3 For UE4)