In a Material lookup a specfic pixel of a texture

Within a material I have a texture that contains data. I am using my texture as a lookup table to get values.

So for example I have a 16x1 pixel texture and I want to be able to lookup values. if I use the index 0, I get the 0th pixel, 15 I get the last pixel value etc.

I tried using UVs where I would take my index divide by the texture width but it doesn seem to work. How do I go about doing this?

You were on a right path to be fair. If your texture has a width of 16 pixels and a height of 1, and your UV goes from 0 to 1, 1/16 gives you a step for each pixel, 0.0625. To ensure that you are always hitting pixel center, you could offset your uv by half of that value.

So to reliably sample pixel with index of 0, you would need to provide UVs as (0.03125,0.5)
For pixel with index of 1 it would be (0.09375,0.5), and so on.
Also make sure that your LUT is set to appropriate compression format and has no mips, and inside material, change texture sampler to sample using specific mip level, inputting 0 there.

Thanks the half pixel shift to get the center was exactly the piece I was missing. Here is the result for reference