How to make AI keep wandering after it can't find me?

So, the AI character wanders around in the level, and whenever I enter its in line of sight, it chases me. But whenever it can’t find me after I leave its line of sight, it just stands there. How do I make it resume wandering again?

Here are my blueprints:

Hi. there a lot a way you can do it and it’s depend on what you want. If you want the AI_Character to walk in random position then you can repeat this function. But I would recommand to start learning how the Behavior tree work. But for now its should be fine.

Thanks man!

You’re welcome !! :slight_smile:

Dont forget to take a look at the behavior tree for more interaction with AI

Figured it out! I just had to do the same thing I did with “Moving” with “Can See Player”.

Improved blueprint:

Thanks Denis you helped me out too !