ComboBoxString crash in HandleSelectionChanged

This method will crash if the user of the control has deleted it in response to OnSelectionChanged event, e.g. when selecting a ComboBox option closes a dialog. This effectively invalidates the shared pointer to ComboBoxContent.

void UComboBoxString::HandleSelectionChanged(TSharedPtr<FString> Item, ESelectInfo::Type SelectionType)
	CurrentOptionPtr = Item;
	SelectedOption = CurrentOptionPtr.IsValid() ? CurrentOptionPtr.ToSharedRef().Get() : FString();

	if ( !IsDesignTime() )
		OnSelectionChanged.Broadcast(Item.IsValid() ? *Item : FString(), SelectionType);

	// When the selection changes we always generate another widget to represent the content area of the comobox.
	ComoboBoxContent->SetContent( HandleGenerateWidget(CurrentOptionPtr) );

Last line should be changed to:

if (ComboBoxContent.IsValid())
    ComoboBoxContent->SetContent( HandleGenerateWidget(CurrentOptionPtr) );