Timeline still executing after finished?

I have a Timeline which has a length of 5 seconds.
The Timeline is to rotate a Character 360 degrees.
But sometimes it rotates 2 times, sometimes 4 times(…)
Then it takes even 10 seconds or 20 seconds. I hope anybody can help me.


Would be useful to see where the wire for play/play from start are coming from. The issue probably is there and we can’t see it


what’s branch’s condition at the begining? maybe adding Is Rotating off at the end will fix it.

is Generate Waypoint is a custom event? I’m thinking DoOnce would be helpful, but not sure where to put it.

What’s DoOnce?

(Generate Waypoint is a Custom Event)

There is nothing in the graph you have posted so far that should cause this in itself, but your starting custom event is probably being fired more than once since I don’t see a custom event in this function that stop whatever other function is checking if you have reached said way point or not.
The problem probably comes from its firing of executes all the time as your rotating and then stopping or just keeping the timeline going depending on your “playback < timeline” branch.

set a couple of print string behind the “<” branch to check if this is happening.

Now I fixed it. Simple move to Actor didn’t move it for any reason, i added a kind of secure system which moves it 100%. Thanks everybody for helping!

Ran in to a similar issue, had to stop the timeline after it had finished or the finished node would be called every frame.