Third Person Camera Collision With Floor

So I have a third person camera set up, along with a first person camera. Whenever I look below my character, I go right through the ground. Camera is set to Bock on the Landscape settings. I also set up a ViewPitchMax on my player but if I set it to not go through the ground, the first person is really useless as I can barely look up anymore in it. Even with that set, going down hills, I still clip through the ground quite a bit. Is there another way to collide or is this the best I can get? Let me know if you need to see anything, and I’ll provide pictures.

select your floor/ground. search under details “Collision”, Change Collision Presets to Custom. From there you can choose collision Options for the Camera. Hope this helps.

Like I said, I already have that set up and it is still not working.

I see that the problem is the Target Arm Length of your Spring Arm. select your camera the zero all out Location and Rotation from transform. to adjust distance of the camera from the player, select spring arm then adjust Target Arm Length to your desired distance, I’m sure this will fix your problem.

Tried that to no avail, does the same thing.

can you show screenshots? (viewport camera selected showing transform details, and spring arm selected, your floor/ground that is having the issue with collision details, and an In game that is showing the issue)

Cheers! Hope this picture explains everything

Yeah that works great thanks. Only thing is, and it’s not a big deal, is that now the camera rotates around the character kinda weirdly, almost in a cinematic way.

you can set ThirdPersonCamera’s translation to wherever you like, just take note that your camera should not exceed your CameraBoom’s Arm Length. Hope this is helpful.

Alright, got everything to work, thanks for all the help!