Spawnable Camera Actor PostProcess Property Keyframes in Sequencer

I am a bit perplexed about the behavior of spawnable camera post process settings/keyframes in sequencer.

  • If the camera is a possessable actor and part of the scene, all
    is fine
    . Any keyframes set on
    post-process settings get stored properly, and recalled whenever the
    sequence plays back no matter what.
  • On spawnables (like the cinematic camera that gets plopped into the sequence with the
    corresponding button press on the
    toolbar), any properties with a
    checkbox which have keyframes
    color grading, bloom settings
    , etc.)
    get toggled to disabled each time the camera despawns/respawns -
    wether this is because the playhead
    moves outside of the sequence range
    when scrubbing (happens a lot!), or
    it gets loaded into another
    sequence’s shots track doesn’t

Is this a design choice or a bug?

I would assume that if there are keyframes on a camera’s properties in a sequence, chances are that automatically toggling those properties to enabled upon spawning is in the best interest of the user!

If the user wouldn’t want that camera actor to have any of those properties active, deleting the keyframe in the timeline would effectively disable it anyway!

The only workaround right now seems to be to not rely on spawnables at all if post process keyframes are to be made - or am I overlooking something very obvious here? If not:


  • Could you make an exception and
    intelligently deal with keyframes of post process parameters on
    so the behavior is more
  • Or hide those settings entirely so
    the user is not tempted to keyframe
    them at all? Or show a little warning
    message, discouraging use of
    spawnables for this? Small changes
    could make this aspect a lot more


This is a bug. Thanks for pointing it out.

We recently fixed this. If you have access to code and and compile, you can grab CL #3465186. Otherwise, this fix will be in the next release, 4.17. For tracking purposes, here’s the jira (not public yet, but should be available soon):
