(Solved) How Do You Create A Character Mood System?

Version 4.16

Hello everyone,

For my upcoming new video game, I would like to know if there are any possible tutorials that explain and show how to create a mood system for the Player Character?

Mood as neutral mode will stay at 50% and would increase when the Character gets happy and slowly decreases if nothing is making that character happy to neutral mode. So if the Character gets sad, the mood would decrease and would slowly gain their mood back to neutral mode.

An example of this would be: ‘Character gains mood if close to fire for warmth. The character loses mood when they take damage or when their loved ones die.’

It would be nice if someone can explain to me how to do it and show me screenshots of how it is done in Blueprint.

Thanks in advance,



That would be done with a variable in your character, perhaps one called : “Happiness”, that could range from -100 (sad) to +100 (happy) …
You can then modifies that “happiness” variable from within the character and over time (to push it back to neutral over time) or from outside (see blueprint communication tutorial video) so that your fire would effectively raise your character happiness.

What if you want to display that happiness mood in the Widget HUD like when the Health Bar system?

Would this style be applied the same way like the Health Bar?

yes you just do the same logic you would as if you were making a health bar.

Thanks for letting me know.