[SOLVED] The Server is not replicating variable to clients

So basically I’ve done everything that was told in the docs: Property Replication | Unreal Engine Documentation

Uproperty declaration:

UPROPERTY(replicated, EditAnywhere, Category = Replication)
bool bReplicatedVar;

In the constructor bReplicates flag is set to true.

 	// Set this actor to call Tick() every frame.  You can turn this off to improve performance if you don't need it.
	PrimaryActorTick.bCanEverTick = true;

    bReplicates                   = true;


And I’ve implemented GetLifetimeReplicatedProps as well.

void AReplicatedActor::GetLifetimeReplicatedProps(TArray< FLifetimeProperty > & OutLifetimeProps) const

    DOREPLIFETIME(AReplicatedActor, bReplicatedVar);


#include <EngineGlobals.h>
#include <Runtime/Engine/Classes/Engine/Engine.h>
#define DEBUG_SERVER_KEY   2
#define DEBUG_CLIENT_KEY   3
#define DEBUG_USUAL_KEY    4

#define DEBUG_U_LOG(text) if (GEngine)                           GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(DEBUG_USUAL_KEY,    0.2f, FColor::Orange,text)
#define DEBUG_F_LOG(text) if (GEngine)                           GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(DEBUG_FUNCTION_KEY, 0.2f, FColor::Blue,text)
#define DEBUG_S_LOG(text) if (GEngine && Role == ROLE_Authority) GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(DEBUG_SERVER_KEY,   0.2f, FColor::Red,text)
#define DEBUG_C_LOG(text) if (GEngine && Role < ROLE_Authority)  GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(DEBUG_CLIENT_KEY,   0.2f, FColor::White,text)

void AReplicatedActor::Tick(float DeltaTime)

    fDeltaTime += DeltaTime;
    if (fDeltaTime >= 3.0f && Role == ROLE_Authority)
        bReplicatedVar = true;

    DEBUG_S_LOG(bReplicatedVar ? TEXT("true") : TEXT("false"));
    DEBUG_C_LOG(bReplicatedVar ? TEXT("true") : TEXT("false"));

Dont know what is going on and why the property is not replicating. I will appreciate any reply. I’m currently at that point anything is helpful.

Ok, so after reading the documentation once again I have at last figured out that I was missing:

    bAlwaysRelevant = true;

And that’s actually everything that I was missing to get things working. :slight_smile:
Hope It will help somebody in the future!

Thank you! Solved my missing link too.

wow this one little line made all the difference, thank you so much!