How to delete camera component?

I duplicated side-scroller character and trying to setup as an AI character. I want to delete camera boom and camera. I select components and press delete, but nothing happens. how do I delete camera from character. thanks

Hey mcmike,

When you say you duplicated side-scroller character, what process did you use? Did you Right-Click MyCharacter blueprint in Content Browser and select Create Copy?

You should be able to select and delete those components without any problems. Are you pressing Backspace, or are you using a Mac? Have you tried right-clicking assets and selecting Delete?

I did use select create copy method. I think reason I can’t delete camera components is because side-scroller project is with C++. When I tried it with a project not C++, I was able to delete it. I still can not delete it out in C++ project.

Hey mcmike953,

In a C++ project, MyCharacter components are hardcoded in. You can either create a new Character blueprint, which will not have camera or spring arm components by default.

You can also go into [MyProject]Character.cpp and .h files and comment out all camera and boom parts, then create a new blueprint from [MyProject]Character class, but difference between that and base Character class at that point wouldn’t make it worth effort.

Hope that helps!

I just tried commenting out c++ code for camera (Top down c++ example) and it caused editor to crash on load. Removing comments, ie, reverting class back to its original state with camera code in worked fine. Might just be me though. I’m wondering if it has to do with blueprints already in level?

Seems I forgot to delete component in header file. Doing that stopped crash. Oops!