Compile error on GetRenderTargetResource since 4.16


I am using code to get pixels value from a UTextureRenderTarget2D*

On 4.15 my code was :

FTextureRenderTarget2DResource * textureResourceR = (FTextureRenderTarget2DResource *) RenderTargetRight->Resource;
TArray<FFloat16Color> ColBufferFloatR;
textureResourceR->ReadFloat16Pixels( ColBufferFloatR );

and then

value = ColBufferFloatR[i].R;

Since the release of 4.16, both the access to Resource and the ReadFloat16Pixels are giving me compilation errors.
Does somebody knows why ?

Secondary question as I use UnrealEngine to compile my C++ code (none of my IDE on Ubuntu succeeds on building the code), where can I see the compiler output ?
The “show message log” button only gives me “Error: Failed to produce item: /home/[…].so” but I cannot see where to find the detailed compiler output.



Problem solved. I found out how to compile it with the terminal and that helped the debug.
It is now mandatory to include Engine/TextureRenderTarget2D.h