How do you move a widget further away from player view? (VR)

Currently trying to make an inventory screen pop up when the player overlaps a pouch on their belt with their hand, so far I have the widget appear when the player does this, but its so close to the screen that you can’t really read it. What is the simplest way to move the widget away from the players view?

At the moment the widget seems broken, text is being chopped off. Is there a way to make it so it spawns as an actor in front of the players view?

Create some invisible components(sphere) attached to the camera at position and rotation good for you, then spawn actor and use attach to component. In setting choose rotation and location snap to target. Good luck!:wink:

P.S: Remember to disable sphere’s collisions.

If you don’t need your widget to be attached, just spawn it using sphere’s location and rotation.